Cross-curricular topics
Reading comprehension about Chocolate
Most suited to practise before year 2 SATs, however, would be good for finding out about chocolate for any year group.
Kenny Koala's Trip to Peru
A Powerpoint and postcard template with a story of Kenny Koala’s trip to Peru. Used as end of term unit for year 1 class to learn about South America.
Changes in Transport through Time
Presentation and differentiated worksheets for transport through time. Most suitable for Year 1 or Year 2.
Sorting Materials Activity
Cut and stick activity for sorting materials, most suited for KS1.
Mog's Christmas weekly plan
One week’s planning based on the book Mog’s Christmas by Judith Kerr. Most suited for a year 1 or 2 class.
Jolly Postman Assembly
Jolly Postman assembly script and cast list. Most suited for a year 1, 2 or 3 class.